An earthquake that measured 8.9 struck Japan on March 11, devastating the country and triggering a giant tsunami.
You’re sitting on your couch at home, silently reading the newspaper, when suddenly, your furniture starts violently vibrating. Panic starts to kick in, and you flee from your rapidly collapsing house.
On March 11, a giant earthquake struck Japan. This earthquake measured an 8.9, making it the most powerful earthquake in Japan in record. The quake is the fifth-largest in the world since 1900, and it killed hundreds of people. Soon after the earthquake, a 23 foot tsunami hit the already devastated cities. The tsunami raced across the Pacific Ocean at 500 mph towards the coast of Japan, and when it crashed down on the shores, it kept going 6 miles inland. Around 2,000 bodies have already been found washed up from sea or hidden in the rubble, but the death toll is expected to run in the tens of thousands. This earthquake has devastated Japan, and the world will work hard to help Japan recover from the disaster.
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