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Monday, March 14, 2011

Giant Tsunami Sweeps Miles Inland on Japanese Coast: By Zoe D.

In the early morning of March 11th, a giant wall of water crashed into the Japanese coast, uprooting everything in its path. The giant tsunami was the result of an 8.9 magnitute earthquake, and killed more than 2000 people. The 30 ft waves where a muddy brown from the soil they had washed over. Planes, and cars were tossed around like toys, and farmland across the coast was ruined. The tsunami hit Sendai Island, flooding everywhere. Fires broke out across the island as a result of ruptures of gas pipes, and they took 8 hours to extinguish. The nuclear power plants on the coast stopped working because the pump failed, and now energy is seeping into the ground at an uncontrollable rate. Citizens are being checked for radiation exposure. Over 3000 people are missing, but there have been many rescues. A man and his wife where coming back to their house to gather some of their belongings after the earthquake hit, when a huge wall of water swept away their house. The man’s wife was swept away to sea, but the man grabbed onto the roof of the house, which had come off, and floated off into the ocean with it. He was miles into the ocean, and stranded there for about 2 days, when a helicopter came and rescued him. He was taken to a hospital. Whirlpools were conjured up in the middle of the ocean, sucking in huge cruise ships and anything else around them. Bodies have been found along the coast, under the rubble of collapsed buildings, and lying on the streets. Overturned planes and cars litter the streets.

The American Red Cross and other organizations are working to help the devastated coast. You can help by donating money to fund raising programs.


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