hi, my name is nifty little search bar

Sunday, October 17, 2010

new year...new challenge!

With the dawn of a new September (actually, October, but that's ok) the Lit Mag is starting up again! We are welcoming back all our staff members and new rookies, too. We're still recruiting, so if you show up at a meeting, you're more than welcome. :)

Literary people often engage in word games, so we thought we'd start off this year with a challenge. We're going to list a bunch of words, and it's your job to create a poem or paragraph or piece of art involving all these words. By you, we mean anyone who reads this blogs: students, teachers, parents, and anyone else in the CMS community. Submissions should be emailed to cmslitmag@gmail.com, and in by Halloween. (hint: maybe a spooky theme?) We will publish some selected work on the blog. Happy creating!

Word List:
-jack 'o' lantern

Hehe. Have fun, no pressure :)

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