Red Sox or Yankees? Jacob or Edward? These are huge decisions. Now there is an addition; Justin or Anti-Justin? Although many people think that Justin Bieber is all hype and has a voice that is too high pitched and inexperienced, I believe many people will follow my opinion on the celebrity. First of all, I don’t believe in criticizing celebrities. It’s no different than criticizing each other, for, as Lily said, “They’re just like regular people…” which they are, in some ways, but in other ways, they are celebrities for a reason. Sure, some got lucky. However, others earned it. Justin Bieber started his career on YouTube, just making videos for his friends and family. He was not expecting fame or fortune from these videos, all he wanted was for the people close to him to see him sing. Justin couldn’t control the number hits the videos happened to get, and the result went from tens to hundreds to thousands.
You have to admit that the base of Justin Bieber's career was not similar to those pop celebrities you see on tv and hear on kiss 108. Bieber's first step on the escalator to fame was simply raw talent. Sure, maybe he doesn't use it in some of his music videos, but he has it. And although high pitched, his voice is very pure and goes straight into the hearts of many adoring fans. The incredible looks, well, they're just icing on the cake. I'm not one of those shallow people who just goes with the opinions of the majority. In fact, there are many unnecessary haters out there. You may be one of them. See, I think that there is simply no reason to hate Justin Bieber. If you simply have to hate him, hate him quietly and to yourself. He has a great voice, mad dance skills, and natural talent. So why hate him? He's annoying? Well, what did he ever do to you? So you don't love his songs, don't listen to them. It's not that complicated. I do understand those people who just don't really like him. What I don't understand is the intense things people will say and do just to get others to hate him too. It's no different than seeing the glass half-empty.
His songs. I will admit that the quality of the lyrics is low, but Justin did NOT write them. He was given a song and asked to sing. He performed this task well and with a lot of emotion. So maybe they're not the best songs in the world, but they sure are catchy. And I feel that they are just pleasing to listen to, all very cheerful and romantic. They give you hope for you and the person you have a crush on. His songs aren't the best for interpretation, but if you just want a song to get stuck in your head and dance along with your friends, well, Justin's your guy.
So give the guy a break. He is talented and very famous even though he didn't control the fame he got; he earned it. And if you still don't like him, just keep it to yourself. What if the same thing happened to you? You posted up videos for your family, got famous, and suddenly everybody hated you for no reason whatsoever? Join the Justin Bieber team and you'll score the winning goal.